Picture of MArtin van Eeden

MArtin van Eeden

Personal Development Specialist and Leadership Trainer

The easiest way to practice mindfulness.

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself.

Mindfulness has moved from being something foreign in our western culture to something that is an absolute necessity in our self-development, and I can’t agree more!

An effortless way to be more mindful is to ask better questions when you find yourself in challenging or unknown situations. 

I am a big follower of Dr Carol Kauffman, the Founder of the Institute for Coaching at Harvard Medical School. She said that the best question to ask to be more mindful is the following:

Am I being the person that I want to be right now?”

Asking yourself this question will help you to be in the moment and will help you to be who you need to be in every situation, from being present at work, during meetings and when you are at home with your family.

Try it today and take the easy step to become more mindful!


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