The idea of doing something big and significant can be quite daunting. Achieving your dreams and goals are usually the product of hard work, dedication, risks and courage.
Courage; a word that, for me, is loaded with images of fear, uncertainty and effort! It implies getting out of my comfort zone and exploring the edge of my capabilities. It requires me to be both brave and vulnerable to embark on unknown adventures and reach my goals.
The thing is, to do that, you need to get out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is, just that – comfort. It is a place of little to no growth. If you want to discover your true potential and grow in your abilities, you deliberately have to step out of comfort into situations that will challenge and develop you. You have to exchange that comfort for courage and step out into environments that might seem impossible or even terrifying.
My question for you today is;
What might be possible if you choose courage over comfort?
Go out, show courage and be brave. You might surprise yourself!