
Living into Better Thinking

We don’t think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking. Richard Rohr I have been contemplating this quote from Richard Rohr (RR) since the beginning of the year. It is one of those quotes that make you come back to it and not just use it as some […]

What if you choose Courage over Comfort?

The idea of doing something big and significant can be quite daunting. Achieving your dreams and goals are usually the product of hard work, dedication, risks and courage.  Courage; a word that, for me, is loaded with images of fear, uncertainty and effort! It implies getting out of my comfort zone and exploring the edge of […]

The easiest way to practice mindfulness.

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself. Mindfulness has moved from being something foreign in our western culture to something that is an absolute necessity in our self-development, and I can’t agree more! An effortless way to be more mindful is to ask better questions when you find yourself in challenging or […]